If you are thinking of expanding your business and are looking for a jurisdiction to do so, consult with the experts at Foster Swiss, a Swiss-registered international company providing financial and compliance advice on a variety of issues related to international business formation and commercial banking.

Among the attractive jurisdictions to form an international business enterprise is Nauru, the third smallest country in the world.

An insular entity made up of a single island located in the Pacific Ocean, south of the Equator, it offers attractive conditions that an investor should not miss.

Nauru created in 1992, the International Companies Act, which regulates the legal practices of international business companies. It is a very flexible regulation that allows international companies to engage in all types of activities anywhere in the world.

Requirements to form the IBC

At Foster Swiss we specialize in the implementation of businesses in different jurisdictions, which means that we offer value-added services helping our clients in their expansion abroad.

Among the requirements to quickly, safely and reliably form an IBC in Nauru are: no minimum share capital to incorporate the company, a minimum of one shareholder and one director, who can be the same person for more control. Shareholders can be citizens and residents of any country.

All shares of an IBC can be owned by foreigners.
Each IBC needs to have a local office address and appoint a local registered agent whose office can be used as the registered address. As for the type of shares, they can be issued as bearer shares, registered shares, shares at par value or without par value. Shares may be issued in any currency.

If you want to register an international business company in Nauru, Foster Swiss can advise you. We help you with practically everything: we provide advice from the moment you choose a corporate structure for your company up to one year after incorporation.

And of course we take over the whole process for you.

For more information on this topic or any other requirement related to our services, please contact us directly at info@fosterswiss.com.