Foster Swiss is an international company registered in Switzerland aimed at providing financial and compliance advice on a variety of topics related to business formation and commercial banking internationally.

We are specialized in the implementation of businesses in different jurisdictions, which means that we offer value added services helping our clients in their expansion abroad. Some of these services include:

o Advisory and consulting.
o Visas.
o Offices.
o Director, shareholders, nominee secretary.
o Accommodation (if necessary)

Officially, the Independent State of Samoa, it is recognized on the continent of Oceania as a democratic country, the most stable in the region in terms of politics and economy. It registers an international banking system. In terms of taxes, there is tax exemption on any commercial activity or transaction carried out outside the country.


International companies on Samoa Island have options in bank accounts, a diversity of placement products such as fixed terms, investment projects, as well as financial and commercial titles. They may be the owners of goods, movable and immovable property and any other assets.

Among other investment alternatives, international companies will be able to administer the most appropriate instruments to receive and give money as a loan or payment of commissions.

With regard to the incorporation and administration of International Business Companies, the waiting and incorporation periods are short, and they have a wide range of names for incorporations.

Among other benefits of the system is the inexistence of minimum or maximum capital, it does not require filing statements or annual performance reports.

Like they do not require to present or register accounts. The directors of the companies, if they so wish, can keep books, minutes or any records of the company in the country of their choice.

Registered or authorized entities do not pay income tax or other duties, or any other direct or indirect tax or stamp duty.

There is no limitation for international companies in terms of the type of business, they can establish any legal business in this island country and carry out transactions in the currency of their choice. There is no limitation for shareholders and directors, they can be natural or legal persons.