The creation of offshore companies has different legal forms based on the needs of the client and the jurisdiction where you want to constitute and domicile the company, it is for them that it is necessary to know in depth everything related to the subject.

In Macau there are different business opportunities, and foster Swiss experts are responsible for providing detailed information on each of them to determine the one that best suits your requirements.

Types of companies available: Choose the one that best suits your requirements
In Macau there are several types of societies:

- Collective society (S.N.C): The partners can be made up of 2 or more shareholders, there is no minimum or maximum capital limit, the investment can be made in cash or raw material.

- Simple limited partnership (S.C.): The partners are made up of 1 or more with unlimited liability and 1 or more with limited liability, the investment is made in cash.

- Limited partnership by shares (S.C.A): Partners are made up of 1 or more with unlimited liability and at least 3 with limited liability, the minimum investment limit is USD 125,000, the capital contribution is in cash for unlimited liability partners and in shares for limited liability partners

- Limited society (LDA): It has a limit of 2 to 30 partners, the minimum investment limit is USD 3,125 and there is no maximum limit of subscription of company fees, the capital contribution has a nominal value of the quota of at least USD 125 or multiples of USD 12.5.

- Single-person limited liability company: It is constituted with a single partner, a minimum capital of USD 3,125, the capital contribution is made with a single fee.

- Joint stock company (S.A): It is constituted with at least 3 partners, the minimum contribution limit is USD 125,000, the contribution capital is divided into shares of at least USD 12.5.

If you consider that creating a company in Macau is a good choice for your company, we take care of the entire incorporation process for you and advise you so that you can make the best financial decisions. 

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