Nigeria has the largest population, economy, and oil production (and export) in Africa. Steady and robust GDP growth over the past decade has developed a growing consumer class and attracted considerable investor interest.

Foster Swiss is an international company registered in Switzerland aimed at providing financial and compliance advice on a variety of topics related to company formation and commercial banking internationally. We are specialized in the implementation of businesses in different jurisdictions, which means that we offer value-added services helping our clients in their expansion abroad.

If you have already decided to establish in Nigeria, you will have different options when creating your company, and thus analyze the one that best suits your needs, some of these are:

• Limited liability company: LLCs can be created with a minimum of two shareholders and two directors of any nationality. The minimum share capital is US $ 1 and the entire setup process can be completed in 6 weeks.

• Branch: to create a branch in Nigeria, a resident person must be assigned (it does not matter his nationality), but his duty is to act as a representative of the company in the country. The business structure can engage in any business activity, guided by the scope of operations of the parent company.

• Representative Office: It can be 100% foreign owned, they cannot carry out any income-generating activity. Said entities can only engage in non-commercial and non-productive activities such as Market Research and Promotion of parent companies.
If you want to incorporate in Nigeria, you can contact Foster Swiss advisers. We can answer all your questions. Contact us at