Vanuatu is an island country located in the South Pacific, with a tropical climate, rich in natural beauties that invite to encourage tourism; fertile land for coffee agriculture, being volcanic land is also excellent for the cultivation of medical marijuana and kawa, a root plant with sedative and anesthetic properties.

The natural wealth present in its seas gives Vanuatu the opportunity to be an ideal center for medicine, hence the creation of important centers for the cure of cancer.

Foster Swiss is an international company registered in Switzerland to provide financial and compliance advice on a variety of issues related to international business formation and commercial banking.

We specialize in business implementation in different jurisdictions, which means that we offer value-added services assisting our clients in their expansion abroad.

Some of these services include: advice and consultancy, visas, offices and director, shareholders, nominee secretary, accommodation if required to mention a few.

Vanuatu has a score of 10 for political stability, which means that it does not reflect a centralized government system with a communist tendency in the future. Vanuatu creates a friendly environment for an offshore financial sector, it does not tax any income within or outside the jurisdiction, inheritances, estates.

Vanuatu became an offshore island in the South Pacific, thanks to the skills and diplomacy inherited from British investors before becoming an independent and sovereign country in 1980. Unlike other countries, Vanuatu accepts and welcomes high-risk ventures that are rejected in other jurisdictions.

The belief in others and the lack of a regulatory framework at the time made Vanuatu a victim of bankruptcy scandals, swindles and revocation of banking licenses, which cast a shadow over the financial system of this archipelago.

Vanuatu is one of the safest places in the world, with no violence against foreigners. According to the Happy Planet Index, Vanuatu is ranked first according to the classification made by the British New Economics Foundation.

Vanuatu ranks 94th out of 190 countries on the Doing Business list as a jurisdiction that is easy to do business with.

This volcanic region of the South Pacific is ideal for companies that need to handle euros and the SEPA system, for individuals wishing to open remote accounts and for investors who want to operate economic banks.

The natural disasters experienced in Vanuatu in the 90's, prompted the Government to relax regulations on foreign banking to encourage the arrival of funds, in order to improve and develop the economy and quality of life of its population, exchange of benefits in exchange for donations for foreign investors to create partnerships and companies.

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