Foreign investment wishing to do business in Uganda can be initiated with a 100% foreign Branch, with unlimited legal liability and a paid-up share capital of US$ 0.

According to the Income Tax Act of 2011, in Uganda, foreign companies have to be incorporated in order to operate, and once registered, they have the same general tax treatment as resident entrepreneurs.

Foster Swiss advisors will provide you with all the detailed information and manage an appropriate tax planning for the incorporation of the offshore company, taking into account the tax advantages of the jurisdiction, all under full legality and security.

In this menu of options of favorable countries for the establishment of offshore negotiations is Uganda. To date, the Ugandan government does not impose any regulations on capital transfers in and out of Uganda. Know that foreign investors do not need to obtain any approval from the Bank of Uganda to repatriate profits and dividends or make payments for imports or any other services.

With only 1 director and 1 shareholder, who are not required to be residents, you can incorporate a 100% foreign owned Uganda Branch.

Benefits of registering a company in Uganda
Obtain identity / legal status

Protect your business name by acquiring a business name on the register.

Access opportunities such as loans, tenders, financing, etc.

Business formalization creates more employment opportunities through business expansion.

Enables registration of licenses, such as investment, trade and tax licenses.

Gains marketing and advertising opportunities for a larger clientele, leading to effective competitiveness in the regional market.

Please note when incorporating a company in Uganda that for all legal forms that can be incorporated the standard corporate tax rate is 30%.

Company formation in Uganda can be slow and complicated, company formation in Uganda can be completed in an average of 33 days.

For more information on this topic or any requirements related to our services, you can contact us directly at Consult a financial advisor for more information.