Everything we must know that, when starting any type of commercial activity, we must be soaked with the information regarding taxes and how the laws of the country where we want to establish our business are governed.

Taxes are contributions established by law by individuals and companies, so that the State has sufficient resources to provide the necessary public goods and services.

Through taxes, the State can obtain the resources to be able to provide education, health, security, justice, public works and support to those most in need, among others. At Foster Swiss we are aware of the importance of this which is why we take care of all tax planning governed by the rules of the jurisdiction where the client decides to set up their offshore company.

Accessible taxes in Macedonia: knowing this aspect of is of great importance
If you already know that Macedonia is the ideal jurisdiction to set up your offshore company and expand your business abroad you should know everything related to the laws and taxes, in Foster Swiss we take care of everything so that you do not have to worry about making the incorporation procedures.
Macedonia is one of the jurisdictions with the lowest corporate tax, which is only 10%, taxes on non-deductible expenses and underestimated income, interest distributed to legal entities are not subject to tax.

The annual Corporate Tax return is filed before February 28 (or March 15 if the annual accounts are filed electronically) for determination of the previous year’s tax.

Our Foster Swiss advisors will accompany you throughout the process of setting up your company abroad and can give you all the detailed information you need to start expanding your business to another level.

For more information on this topic or any related questions about our services, you can contact directly through: info@fosterswiss.com | sergiodelmar@fosterswiss.com