Micronesia is a group of 6 islands located in the western Pacific Ocean, tourist islands with many opportunities for investment, including the Marshall Islands, which is established as an offshore jurisdiction.

What does this mean? That legally exempt from paying taxes to all companies that do not reside in the territory, which makes this island an ideal business destination.

The excellent location, hundreds of natural resources that are underutilized and a close relationship with the United States give rise to a number of profitable opportunities for foreign business and investment in the Marshall Islands. This may also be possible because they have a stable business economy since they share a common currency (U.S. dollar).

An offshore company would allow you to opt for the opening of an offshore bank account linked to the company. In such a company you get the benefit that shareholders, directors and employees are also exempt from paying income tax.

Limited liability company formations are in great demand on the island, as they require only one shareholder, whose name remains anonymous to the public, with no minimum authorized capital and also pay no taxes as long as they do not conduct business in the Marshall Islands.

How easy is it to set up offshore companies and accounts in the Marshall Islands?

Without proper and accurate advice this process could take months to be fully completed, but with the help and advice of experts like Foster Swiss it can be done in the shortest possible time.

For more information on this subject or any other matter related to our services, you can contact us directly at info@fosterswiss.com